Thursday, 25 September 2014

Favorite Photos.

Last year at university I somehow managed to be the person with the self destructing room. All was well in the end, but over the Easter holiday's my hot tap 'exploded' (thanks to a pesky washer) and left my room slightly on the steam damaged side. The nice maintenance people did a top job airing it out, but my photos didn't quite live to see another year. Think drawing pin rust stains and a strong aroma of musk.  

 Thankfully I had digital copies so they've all been reprinted. (I use photobox, it's easy to use, the price is really reasonable, and they're super quick). I also made the most of the opportunity to add new photos to the collection, so not all was bad! I'm waiting to get my hands on some nice string so I can make a D.I.Y photo 'washing line' to decorate my uni room and make it feel a little homely, but in the meantime I wanted to share some of my favorite photos with you. 


Friday, 19 September 2014

Review: Lush's Grease Lightning Spot Cream

Photo Credit My Own one is very well loved,
so I thought I'd spare your eyes and borrow Lush's photo. 

I'm sorry for the slight pause in posts, I've gone back to Uni and the Wifi in our new house is nonexistent. In the meantime I can sometimes make use of a slightly sketchy unlocked wifi - but only if I sit on the left hand side of the house, and then it's still pretty temperamental. It is better than nothing though, and all should be up and running soon! :)

Not that you care much for my feeble excuses, so I'll quickly move on to more exciting things, a spot cream nonetheless.  Introducing Lush's Grease Lighting!   
(Lightning, lightning, lightning
Lightning, lightning, lightning, lightning,')

Now I know what you're thinking, a spot cream definitely isn't the most exciting thing that you can find, especially in Lush with all their amazing scents and glittery bath bombs, but it is one of my staples...

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Summer Reads

As a follow on to my 'Summer Book Haul', this post has all the books I've read this summer that I already owned, or borrowed. I haven't got photos for all of them; a few have already been given back to their owners and the rest were black and white pixely covers on my Kindle. But I thought this small sample would give you some idea and add a splash of colour to this post :)


Monday, 8 September 2014

A Day with the Birds

If you grew up near me then you'll have heard of, and visited, the infamous Birdworld. While I think its a massive landmark, i'll let you off it you have no idea what i'm talking about. Apparently it's one of England's largest bird parks, and covers over 26 acres. Its owned by the neighboring garden center and its all beautifully landscaped, and full of little gardens and greenery.
While the trees are nice and all, obviously the main thing is the birds.


Monday, 1 September 2014

Summer Book Haul

As summer comes to a close, September and History reading lists taller than me begin to loom. My impulsive fiction purchasing consequently begins to dwindle. This is probably a dream come true for my bank account, but its a sad sad day for my friendly bookshelf, that's always ready to give new books a home. 

But lets not get to mournful, this post is going to celebrate my blissful summer of carefree book buying and reading.

I've brought a few books, but not all have been read, (there's still fiction escapism waiting for me on the flip side!) and I've read others that I've borrowed, or already owned. SO, i'll start with a haul, give some thoughts for those I've read (I'll review some of my favorites separately over then next few weeks, and when I do, i'll edit this post to link you to the posts), and in a follow up post i'll do a similar thing for all my other summer reads - we wouldn't want them to feel left out.

My Birthday was in April and my mum kindly gave me some book vouchers, I spent the last term of Uni looking for 'bookspiration', and kicked off my summer of spending.

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