Sunday, 30 November 2014

Exeter Christmas Market

It may still be November, but only just! After the warm up of the Cruelty Free Christmas Festival last week, it was time to start getting seriously festive.

I've been anticipating Christmas for ages, but Uni has been so busy that I haven't really had the time to start planning it yet. This time last year the Uni flat was covered in paper snowflakes, and about 90% of my Christmas shopping was done. This year definitely isn't so organised, so it was nice to do something Christmassy and get in the Christmas spirit! :)


Thursday, 27 November 2014

Roasted Chickpeas!

I'm a massive fan of snacks. There's nothing better than a snack (and some good music) to make essay writing survivable. If I'm sitting down all day writing essays, it's even better if it's a healthy snack, it just helps me to feel a bit less sluggish. 

Enter: Roasted Chickpeas.

Sunday, 23 November 2014

Animal Aid's Christmas without Cruelty Festival 2014

November is nearly done, and the Christmas markets are upon us! 

This Saturday was Exeter's second annual Christmas without cruelty festival. The even is organised by Animal Aid, and this year it contained 40 stalls from national and local charities and companies, with a mix of shopping and food eating opportunities.  

I'm not going to show you everything I picked up, as some of them are Christmas presents, but I treated myself to a few things too. I mean, I needed to have something to show you all...


Sunday, 16 November 2014

Canterbury Cuisine at Canteen

There are loads of nice quirky places to eat in Canterbury, it's great I love it. But more often than not, Rob and I usually end up in Wetherspoons. It's cheep, nice and cosy, and the food could definitely be worse (the fried eggs may be rumored to come prepackaged, but at least they are free range :) ) 

Wetherspoons have recently changed their menu and there seem to be fewer vegetarian options, while still being good :( I wanted to try something new, especially when there are so many places to go. Canterbury is quite touristy, and eating places can be pretty expensive but there are definitely exceptions, and Canteen is a new find to add to the list. 

It's nestled right next to the Cathedral at number 17 Sun Street, so it's a great place to try if you are visiting Canterbury for the sites, and want to check out the Cathedral too. If not, it's right in the city center, so pretty convenient all round.  

Tuesday, 4 November 2014


Last week was reading week, which I felt was somewhat of a con. With one of my two modules being a self guided project this term, I'm pretty low on contact hours. I'm not complaining, I have plenty of reading and essay writing to be doing, but this meant reading week didn't really give me much more time to get things done. It did however come with greatly increased expectations of work from all my lecturers. Yay.

That being said, I'm still a massive fan of 'the reading week'. I made the most of  zero contact hours to spend time at home. Uni is cool and all, but there's nothing like spending some time with the family. My family has always been pretty close, but at the same time we're great at giving each other space too, I think we've got a pretty good balance going on :)

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