Sunday, 29 March 2015

Veggie Recipes: Healthy Egg Salad with a Sweet Dressing

Eggs are a great food to keep you filled up, they're full of protein and so versatile. Cholesterol and eggs have had a bit of bad press, but its really not a big issue as eggs are so low in saturated fat - they're full of good stuff.

I'm not cool with any animal exploitation but if you buy from small local farmers and make sure they're free range then everyone, chickens included, are winners. If you check for the British Lion Quality mark then the eggs have met the highest food standards too, yay!

I feel like a bit of a cheat calling this a recipe as its so so easy and really versatile. It's more of a framework that you can build upon, and swap around different ingredients to suit your taste and cupboard supplies. Go wild!

Saturday, 21 March 2015

'Raspberry & Cranberry' Shampoo & Conditioner by Faith in Nature

Faith in Nature are very rapidly becoming a firm favorite of mine. I first discovered the brand in my local Oxfam charity shop and loved the idea of being able to support cruelty free cosmetics and global humanitarian relief at the same time - what's not to love? 

They're also stocked in lots of other high street shops (you can find your nearest here), or order from them online (where the service is very quick!) They're very very easy to get your hands on :)

Everything is natural, vegan, cruelty free, and lots of the ingredients are organic too. Everything is made in Britain, so if your UK based they'll help you lower your carbon footprint too.

Shampoo and Conditioner 
£5.50 each (400ml)


Sunday, 15 March 2015

Blog for Bunnies: Tips for going cruelty free

'Blog for Bunnies' is part of Humane Society International's #BeCrueltyFree campaign for a global end to cosmetic animal testing. I'm not an official Blog for Bunnies Blogger, but if you've spent anytime on my blog you'll know that it's something that I care about a lot and I want to do anything I can do to spread the message a bit further. :)

I've put together a few tips to help anyone who's thinking about going cruelty free. It may seem a bit daunting at first, but you'll be surprised at how quickly it become second nature. You'll still have lots of choice, and there's no need to break the bank.


Sunday, 8 March 2015

International Women's Day

This a slightly different post to normal, but today is International Women's day! International Women's day shouldn't need to be a thing, and it doesn't mean that we shouldn't care about men, quite the opposite, but it's great to have a day to bring everything home and keep gender equality on the radar. I think it can be quite easy for some people to get complacent, especially if they're happy with their own situation, so reminders are always good. 


Sunday, 1 March 2015

Veggie Recipes: Carrot 'Pancakes'

Pancake day may have been and gone, but it would be silly to restrict something so tasty to one day of the year. I'm also using 'pancakes' very loosely in this recipe. I'm not really sure what to call this little burger shaped balls of tastiness, but pancake is as good as any. (or burgers) The flour and eggs are there, but so are some other ingredients which turn it into the perfect main. If you have an egg substitute its very easy to make vegan too.

The carrot makes it slightly sweet, but not too sweet, and overall its a very quick and easy savory meal that can be whipped up in about 15 mins.  
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