Thursday, 29 January 2015

The Battle of the Balms (Cruelty Free Lip Balm Reviews)

Winter, also known as the season of chapped dry lips, is a thing at the moment. A good lip balm is your best friend, and while I've been know to say that you can never have too many, some are definitely better than others.

I've gathered together a small selection of cruelty free lip balms to let you know which ones I think work best.

All of them are vegetarian, and all but the Dr Organic Balm, which contains beeswax, are vegan.


Thursday, 22 January 2015

Winter Book Haul

Winter is the perfect time to cosy up with a good book. At the moment 100% of my reading time is spent on History books for uni, but that hasn't stopped me from acquiring a few others and clinging on to my romantic notions of winter reading.

Most of these were Christmas presents, but I'm far too late for the 'Christmas Book Haul' club, so I've thrown in one of my own purchases for good measure. Writing this post a few weeks after Christmas also brings all the initial excitement back, and reminds me of the gems I've got waiting for me in my 'to read pile'. The perfect way to battle those January blues.

Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Wearing: Ankle Boots from Vegetarian Shoes

I'd been looking for a good, non-leather, pair of boots for ages. You can find lots of leather free shoes on the high street, but they're often cheap alternatives that disintegrate when they face a tiny bit of bad weather. I wanted to find something that had leather's durability, but none of its cruelty. With Vegetarian Shoes' 'Jeanette Boots' I found it.


Monday, 5 January 2015

Visited Shelf: Wheeler's Bookshop

Welcome to installment number three of the 'Visited Shelf'! (read other 'Visited Shelf' posts;here) This post features the wonderful Wheeler's Bookshop in Midhurst, West Sussex.

Midhurst isn't far from me, but it's also not particularly close. It's somewhere I've always known about, but never really explored. Googling 'local' bookshops threw up this gem, and gave me a real reason to venture into the small town.


Friday, 2 January 2015

Life Ramblings, 2015 and Arty things

I like to set myself goals all the time so I'm not a massive fan of the 'new year, new me' stuff, but the 'out with the old' talk does make me more reflective. I'm not setting myself specific resolutions but there are some general things that I want to try and do more of, and while I've been trying to work on these already, 2015 seems like as good a time as any to give my attempts a little more oomph.

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