Friday, 2 January 2015

Life Ramblings, 2015 and Arty things

I like to set myself goals all the time so I'm not a massive fan of the 'new year, new me' stuff, but the 'out with the old' talk does make me more reflective. I'm not setting myself specific resolutions but there are some general things that I want to try and do more of, and while I've been trying to work on these already, 2015 seems like as good a time as any to give my attempts a little more oomph.

I can always find mini projects to keep myself busy, Pintrest and D.I.Y blogs are guilty pleasures and I can find myself resenting the time my degree takes up. I know it will all be worth it in the end, and there are parts of it that I enjoy, but the chaos that is term time can get pretty intense.

Sometimes it's great to take a step back, to do something that you really enjoy, and give some of those mini projects a go. I've used the Christmas Holidays to try and do this, and create some 'homemade' (can you call drawings homemade?) presents, which I hope people will also find that bit more special. This has been amazing, and while I need to make sure I priorities things, Uni is more important, I want to manage my time so I can do as much of this as possible. It can be all to easy to get caught up on small things and not remember to do things that make you happy.

The photos in this post show some of my recent creations. I've started to really love knitting. I remember learning when I was little, but i'm trying to slowly expand my skillz and try things that are a bit more ambitious than a plain scarf - but this is a great place to start! Youtube videos are my best friend when it comes to decoding patterns and I managed to recreate this 'Jolly Robin' for my Robin loving Grandma. 

I've always loved to draw, and after drawing dogs no.1 and 2 for my Mum and Dad for the last two Christmases, 2014 was the year of the Sollie.

Art is something that I really love, and while I'm not the best, and don't have the time that I'd like to dedicate to it, I'd like to carry on dropping little arty snippets into my blog now and again. I can't promise it will be a regular thing, but your more than welcome to join me on this sporadic journey :)  

Wishing you a very happy and healthy New Year!


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