Sunday, 15 February 2015

Cruelty Free Toiletries: The Deodorant Edition

 Finding cruelty free toiletries can be a little harder than other cosmetics or makeup items. These are products that you really do use everyday, and sort of take for granted. When you start making the switch, they're often the thing that you think of last, or at least they definitely were for me. 

Requests for good deodorants make a frequent appearance on the twitter CF bloggers chat, so I'm going to recommend a few of my favorites. It turns out that you don't need to spend loads, travel miles, order from far far away internet companies, or give up and embrace the sweaty life. There's actually a lot of good options!

The Budget Option: Superdrug/ Supermarket own Brands
Superdrug from 99p (1.98 per 100ml),  
Sainsbury's from 40p (0.80 per 100ml), 
Marks and Spencer from £1.00 (£2.00 per 100ml).

Superdrug do have a testing parent company (A.S. Watson, who is part of Hutchinson Whampoa) so I'm slowly moving away from them. They are a really convenient and cheap way to help make the switch to cruelty free though, and you're obviously free to make up your own opinion on parent companies. I feel like companies with testing parent companies help to raise public awareness, which is fab, but when there are other better products out there, I want to use those instead. 

So while this deoedrant did the job, I'm going to recommend supermarket own brands in its place. Sainsbury's have a small low price deodorant range to pick from, and so do Marks and Spencer so they're both great places to start.

Crystal Deodorant: Faith in Nature  
(£3.85 for 100g)

Crystal deodorant is the all round eco friendly winner. It's 100% natural, essentially just a chunk of ammonium alum, but it works wonders and lasts ages. It really does stop you sweating, it doesn't stain your clothes, and its kind to sensitive skin. 

The only draw back to this product is that it needs to be applied to wet skin and since its basically a rock, its heavier than regular deodorants. Its great a great product to have sitting in your bathroom, but if you're travailing around i'd recommend the one below.

Roll on Deodorant: Green Tea & Aloe Vera from Faith In Nature 
(£3.99 for 50ml)

I'm a massive fan of this, it really works, lasts all day, and smells really fresh (there's also a Chammomile and Aloe Vera version). I also really like the fact that Faith in Nature sell refiles which saves you a bit of money and helps to cut down on waste. Such a great idea!

You can order direct from Faith In Nature online, but you can also pick it up in most Oxfam Charity Shops, which is where tend to get mine, and other shops on your local high street. You can find your nearest stockist here.

I'm planning to continue this little toiletries sub-series with toothpaste reviews to come soon, but in the meantime, do you have a favorite CF deodorant or companies that provide good toiletries? Faith in Nature is becoming a firm favorite of mine!

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