Sunday, 26 April 2015

Blog Recommendations I (ft. the 'Beautiful Bloggers' award)

I'd been wanting to share some of my favorite blogs with you for a while, and then the lovely Mica Day nominated me for the 'Beautiful Bloggers Award' and she's given me the perfect opportunity to do just that. Thank you Mica!

The general gist is that I share seven random facts about myself, and nominate seven other awesome beauty bloggers. It's a nice little way to share the blog love, and I'm always keen to promote the cruelty free niche. It's great to see it getting more popular, and its definitely holding its own within the beauty community. Yay!


Sunday, 19 April 2015

Recently Watched Films

I miss writing book blog posts but I feel horrible guilty if I read anything that's not related to my uni modules during the academic year. My friend described it as 'cheating on my degree' and I think this pretty much sums it up. I still read lots and lots, but you're probably not too interested in my review of a journal article on Mao or a book on Capetian France, so I let the book posts dry up. I'll be getting back into them after exams, but I thought that film reviews may be a nice way to fill the void. Let's give the books' pixely friends some loving too, they sure do deserve it. 

I've watched some good films recently, and you've probably already seen all of them, because I've been super rubbish at keeping up with new releases, and excuses, excuses, excuses. But I'm slowly catching up, and these films were good. If a few of them have slipped you by too then I recommend giving them a go :) I can't be the only person that hadn't already seen these... 

Sunday, 12 April 2015

Cruelty Free Nail Stamping with Barry M

I'm a long long way away from being a nail art Jedi, but its something that I like to have fun with. Makeup on the whole is pretty creative, but nail art takes it to a whole new level. You can try out much bolder designs and it lasts for longer that a day. Stamping gives you a really professional finish without too much hassle. 


Sunday, 5 April 2015

Cruelty Free Skin Care: Abbey Essentials Eye Cream

I get pretty paranoid about trying to give myself enough sleep (with mixed success) and I haven't quite got to the wrinkley stage yet. I mainly use eye cream to try and prevent all of these things, rather than eradicate them. Obviously its quite hard to tell if that's really happening, but essentially I'm looking for something that gives a delicate area of skin a bit of extra moisture.
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