Sunday, 26 April 2015

Blog Recommendations I (ft. the 'Beautiful Bloggers' award)

I'd been wanting to share some of my favorite blogs with you for a while, and then the lovely Mica Day nominated me for the 'Beautiful Bloggers Award' and she's given me the perfect opportunity to do just that. Thank you Mica!

The general gist is that I share seven random facts about myself, and nominate seven other awesome beauty bloggers. It's a nice little way to share the blog love, and I'm always keen to promote the cruelty free niche. It's great to see it getting more popular, and its definitely holding its own within the beauty community. Yay!

If you quickly skim past these seven facts you can get to the good bit and start browsing some fab blogs :)

My favorite book is To Kill a Mockingbird (and Swallows and Amazons for nostalgia's sake), I collect elephant ornaments, I like to draw and knit, I really want to go to the Amazon, I can solve a rubics cube, and I have the Super Mario theme tune set as my ringtone.

I also write in vertical lines, with the paper turned completely horizontally. Apparently this isn't normal and strangers ask me about it when I'm innocently writing away on a train, I blame my left-handed-ism.


I don't think I'm allowed to nominate Mica again, but I will tell you that she's got an awesome blog which you should definitely have a look at! Its relatively new but it's already filled with lots of great cruelty free product reviews, and veggie and vegan food recommendations. Her blog is also really nice and clean looking with a beautiful colour scheme.

Morag's blog is one of the first cruelty free blogs that I found, and she also co-founded and moderates the cruelty free twitter chat every Thursday. Her blog isn't 100% focused on cruelty free cosmetics but they do make a regular appearance and its nice to see some other topics too. Morag also covers books, food, fashion to name a few. I also really enjoy her weekly 'Linkables' posts which have links to well anything, think interesting articles, photos, new reports, that sort of thing. She finds some real gems.

Amber Love
Okay, Amber's blog isn't technically a beauty blog, but she does use cruelty free products and has done the odd review. I also really enjoy reading it, so I'm totally allowed to put it in. She's a biology student and has written a great post on animal testing, and she has some amazing OOTD's. She isn't afraid to talk about issues like mental health, and posts weekly happiness posts which I love.

Caring Cosmetics
Lizzie's blog is the perfect place to head to if you're after a product review. She covers lots of toiletry items, like toothpaste, too which are sometimes harder to find so she does a lot of the hard work for you. Lizzie has also introduced me to lots of new brands, and trying new products is one of my favorite cosmetic things to do.

Marion Honey
I found Marion through her youtube channeland the great cruelty free youtube channel which she shares with Sanne (derpinaMODE). Marion always makes everything look really really great, and I really like her writing style too. Her blog is also great at introducing you to brands that you may not have heard of before.

Lovely Witches
Gemima has a beautiful cruelty free beauty blog with lots of product reviews, make up tutorials and a few lifestyle posts too. Her photography is always really crisp and bright and the blog is a great positive place. I've brought a few of her recommendations and so far I've loved all of them.

My Fruity Kitchen
This is another non beauty blog, BUT Kerry posts recipes for beautiful vegan dishes so its completely welcome in this tag. She also posts eating out guides and reviews and it fully of tasty inspiration.

Curiously Conscious
Besma writes a mindful eating and conscious living blog which covers cruelty free beauty. I'm keen to try and buy more ethical fashion and this is something that she covers. Besma recently posted as awesome 'green Paris' series which covered lots of ethical places, including shops, restaurants, and outdoor spaces, to go in the city.

I hope you enjoy these blogs as much as I do, let me know if you have any recommendations!



  1. Replies
    1. You're welcome! I love reading your reviews :) x

  2. Thank you for including me <3

    1. No problem! I really enjoy reading your posts :)

  3. Thank you so much for including me and your lovely words about my blog! :)


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