Sunday, 31 May 2015

Cruelty Free Cosmetics: Six SPF's

I'm on the hunt for a good face SPF. Thanks to M&S I've got my cruelty free sun cream down, but I want something that I can use on my face every day, and regular sun cream is just that bit too heavy. It's okay if it's a super sunny day, but ideally I'd like to be wearing a SPF regardless of the weather. It doesn't have to be really hot to be doing damage to your skin. So what am I looking for?

Thursday, 21 May 2015

Baby Kale Salad with Balsamic Dressing (Vegan)

Salads are one of my favorite meals to make. They're quick and easy, look bright and colorful and there are so so many possibilities. I'll eat variations all year round, but if salads have a season it has to be spring and summer. Whenever the sun comes out I feel like doubling my fruit and veg intake, somehow it just feels right.

Sunday, 17 May 2015

Exeter Eats: Tea on the Green

It's been a while, but I've had these pesky things called uni exams. Blogging is 100% better, and while I still have one more exam to battle through, by the time that this has been posted I should have made it to the other side. *Edit: I have! Wohoo!* Regular posts should now be returning. :) 

In the past few weeks Exeter has very much become the place where I do I exams. This is accurate, but also a bit unfair to an otherwise pretty nice city. It's not Exeter's fault that I haven't been able to appreciate it, but before I start personifying a place too much, lets quickly move on to food. Exeter is home to some good food. So yay, go Exeter.

I've previously mention Boston Tea Party, which is oh so yummy, and today I want to introduce you to Tea on The Green. Tea on the Green is in the heart of the city center on, yep you've guessed it, the Cathedral Green. If the weathers nice you can sit outside, and soak in the Gothic beauty, although you also get pretty good views from the top floor if nature happens to be against you.


Sunday, 3 May 2015

Cruelty Free Cosmetics: Empty Products I

I switch between products so it often takes me a while to totally run out of something and building up a collection of empties has been a long time in the making! At the moment I'm only alternating between three separate shower gels and I'm pretty damn proud of myself. It may not be my greatest life achievement, but the little things count too right?

Sorry for the tatty packaging photo, some of these were very well loved! I've provided links for everything so you can see them in their new glossy state too :)

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