Sunday, 17 May 2015

Exeter Eats: Tea on the Green

It's been a while, but I've had these pesky things called uni exams. Blogging is 100% better, and while I still have one more exam to battle through, by the time that this has been posted I should have made it to the other side. *Edit: I have! Wohoo!* Regular posts should now be returning. :) 

In the past few weeks Exeter has very much become the place where I do I exams. This is accurate, but also a bit unfair to an otherwise pretty nice city. It's not Exeter's fault that I haven't been able to appreciate it, but before I start personifying a place too much, lets quickly move on to food. Exeter is home to some good food. So yay, go Exeter.

I've previously mention Boston Tea Party, which is oh so yummy, and today I want to introduce you to Tea on The Green. Tea on the Green is in the heart of the city center on, yep you've guessed it, the Cathedral Green. If the weathers nice you can sit outside, and soak in the Gothic beauty, although you also get pretty good views from the top floor if nature happens to be against you.

When I went the food was also really nice. The top location means its definitely not bargain priced, but it was reasonable. The most expensive lunch was £9.95, and I picked the roast butternut squash wrap (£6.45) from their snack menu which was so filling and came with a big side salad. If the regular lunches are as generous then I reckon you'll be getting pretty good value for money.  

The salad came with the most amazing dressing, but I cant find any mention of it on the menu which is pretty sad. It was nicely sweet, but not overpowering and I now trust their salad making ability's for future visits. :)

All of the food is cooked to order so its really fresh, and where possible local too. 100% of the meat and eggs are free range which makes this veggie very happy. If people are going to eat meat, free range is a pretty damn good compromise. They don't have tonnes of vegetarian option, but they do have a few which all sounded nice, and my choice would have been vegan friendly.

There is lots more choice when it comes to drinks. There are loads of lose teas (all blended in North Somerset). I love a good fruit tea, but when I went it was really hot so I opted for an iced variety, with 'a hint of passion fruit and fresh mint'. It was so refreshing. If coffee's your thing they also have a good selection of that, soya milk is available, along with decaf and all that jazz. 

If you want more information you can browse their many menus here. I'm keen to go back and have a full blown afternoon tea, or at least a tea and cake.

The upstairs, freaky circle face wall paper, may have slightly crept me out, but it definitely hasn't put me off going back! In fact, by the end of my meal I was even starting to get used to it...

I hope you've all been enjoining the patches of nice weather that most of Britian seems to have be having (we wont talk about the heavy rain shower that I walked through to get to a 9am exam), and if you have exams too, I hope that they're going okay, and that the end is insight! 
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