Sunday, 26 July 2015

Book Review: Go Set A Watchman (Spoiler free)

Go Set A Watchman has been very very well publicised, not that that's really a surprise when it can be branded as a To Kill A Mockingbird Sequel.


Sunday, 19 July 2015

Vegan Snacks: Nakd Bars

I'd love to be the healthy friend, the one that prepares snacks for the week ahead on a Sunday and rules the tupperwares (or mason jars if their particularly trendy). But well, I'm not. Every now and again I surprise myself, but it never really lasts. If I have time Sunday is a walking/reading/blogging/family kind of day, and I like that.

I also like healthy snacks. So I have a tiny bit of a dilemma. But this dilemma has been eased by Nakd Bars.


Sunday, 12 July 2015

D.I.Y: Two ideas for blackboard paint

Blackboard paint is a great way to easily revamp home accessories and change up a space. It brings another texture to a room, and adds small amounts of bold mat colour which can look great. Being able to draw on it also makes it really useful, and gives you the ability to constantly revamp the item.


Sunday, 5 July 2015

Cruelty Free Skincare: Fair Squared Facial Sun Cream, SPF 15

A few weeks ago I wrote this post which listed a few different cruelty free facial SPF's that are currently on the market. This Fair Squared facial sun cream was on the list, and it turned out to be the winner! Well, in the sense that is made its way into my shopping basket. I don't have enough cash to trial all of them for you (or come to think of it, enough faces), but I do have a few opinions on this one to share, and they're all rather positive.

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