Sunday, 12 July 2015

D.I.Y: Two ideas for blackboard paint

Blackboard paint is a great way to easily revamp home accessories and change up a space. It brings another texture to a room, and adds small amounts of bold mat colour which can look great. Being able to draw on it also makes it really useful, and gives you the ability to constantly revamp the item.

For both of these projects I used blackboard paint from Wilkinson. You can get 250ml for only £3.60 which is more than enough for both of these, and if you're super keen you can get 500ml for £5.95. It's great value, and I've been really happy with the finish.

Before you write on any blackboard surface you need to 'season it'. Mmm tasty blackboard. This stops writing/drawings from leaving a permanent trace on the board after you wipe it off. You can find full instructions here, but you basically cover the surface with chalk and then wipe it all of.

Idea One
The first 'idea' is essentially me saying 'make a blackboard'. I'll be the first to admit that this isn't really revolutionary, but I have made it really really easy. Essentially I brought an inexpensive photo frame, took out the glass and framed a piece of wood painted with blackboard paint. Hardboard tends to be the same thickness as the glass so it fits perfectly. This way you get a really pretty etsy worthy blackboard for a fraction of the price.

They make great to do lists, and notice boards. Mine sits on my 'to read' shelf, and highlights some of the books that are at the top of my mental 'to read' list, while doubling up as a bookend. Yup, that's right, multipurpose blackboard.

You need:
-A photo fame (I used this one)
-A piece of hardboard (can be brought here, or here)
-A paintbrush
-A craft knife
-A ruler
-[Optional] Sandpaper
-Blackboard paint (I used this one)

-Take the glass out of the photo frame and place it on the hardboard, draw around it in pencil.

-Hold a ruler on the lines and use it to guide your craft knife. You may need to do this a few times.

-Smooth of the edges with sandpaper. This gives the board a nicer finish, but if you don't have any this isn't a massive problem as the edges will be hidden inside the frame.

-Paint the wood with blackboard paint! Follow the paint instructions, but to give you an idea, my board used three coats, with each one taking a few hours to dry.

-When the paint is fully dry (24 hours to be super safe) season the board and frame it. You're done!

Idea Two
This idea is probably slightly more creative, but its even easier - all you need is a bin to paint.

I had two small plastic bins which I'd decorated with magazine collages when I was about 11. This is also a great way to decorate a bin, but fast forward ten years and mine were getting a little tatty. Rob also tended to forget which one was recycling, and which one was rubbish, so I wanted to make it clearer!

My bins were both plastic and this worked fine, but I would recommend applying an extra coat of paint as it doesn't provide as firm a surface as wood. So far my bins have stayed firmly intact but I anticipate that they might chip a bit in the future. I'm not too bothered about this as its super easy to apply another coat if I need to cover this up, but you could avoid this by painting a wooden bin.

You need:
-A Bin. (This is similar to the ones I used)
-A paintbrush
-Blackboard paint (I used this one)

I don't really need this section. Just paint your bin, leave to dry, season, draw on the blackboard surface. So so easy. :)

Let me know if you give any of these a go, or have any other fun ideas for blackboard paint - I'm getting pretty obsessed with the stuff. Uhoh.

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